Note: Senator Hillary Clinton came to speak at Forsyth Tech, the school I attend (oh boy!). They assigned me to do the article on her, even though they know I'm strongly against Hillary. This article is straight reporting. It says what happened, who was there, when it was, all that fun stuff. I in no way endorse Hillary or even like her (even if I did like her before, after this meeting, I really didn't like her at all!). So this is what I did - we're not supposed to have bias (or at least let our bias show). So I'm wondering how I did with that - keeping my sass to a minimum.
Raise Hill!
Senator Hillary Clinton speaks at Forysth Tech
“Raise Hill!” screamed one of the hand-made signs at the front of the auditorium. Senator Hillary Clinton was scheduled to speak at Forsyth Tech’s West Campus in the auditorium t 5:30 to discuss her economic plan.
She was an hour and twenty-two minutes late, however. The crowd of approximately 800 people grew restless as they waited for the Senator to arrive. They waved signs of all varieties, both hand made and professional. Cheers erupted several times from both sides of the auditorium. Chatter filled the room and echoed off the high ceiling and concrete walls. As time wore on, spectators left to return with sodas and snacks from the snack machines in the hall outside the auditorium. They were restless.
Of course, the people had a right to be restless, even frustrated. Some supporters had been standing in line since 2:00 in the afternoon or earlier. By 4:00, the line wrapped almost halfway around the building. The line began to trickle in past heavy security at around 5:00 in the evening.
As the waiting dragged on, Dr. Gary Green, President of Forsyth Tech, stood up to address the audience at approximately 6:05. He thanked several people and Senator Clinton for coming to “dialogue” with the public.
Finally, at 6:52, Senator Hillary Clinton made her appearance. The crowd roared with applause and shouts of support.
She apologized for being so late.
“Especially since Carolina’s playing in half an hour!” she said, laughing. The crowd laughed as well and relaxed. She released the audience to leave if they had to see the game. A few members of the audience took her up on her offer later on.
Senator Clinton did not give a reason for her delay.
“It’s time to get America on the right track,” she said in the beginning of her speech. The speech, which lasted approximately 45 minutes, covered the following issues:
-Pulling out of the war in Afghanistan
-What she plans to accomplish if she becomes President:
- Turn the economy around
-Punish companies that send jobs to other countries
-Remove unfair price
-Advantages of trade
-Place a new emphasis on manufacturing
-Invest in clean renewable energy
-Rebuild America’s highways, bridges, and other transportation means. She plans to use bonds to pay for all of this reconstruction.
-Support science. Or, as Senator Clinton said, “End President Bush’s war on science.”
-Free medical care
-Early education
-Making it easier for students to afford college
-Withdraw the troops in 60 days
-Address problems in caring for our military veterans
Senator Clinton’s words were often drowned out by the crowd’s deafening cheers. As she neared the end of her speech, the Senator promised North Carolinians that she would be faithful to this state.
“Some presidents forget who they work for. I won’t. I want forget North Carolina,” she said.
Senator Clinton’s speech ended quietly, without fanfare or the raucous cheers she rode in on and that punctuated her speech. She smiled, thanked the crowd and walked towards the sectioned off area at the back of the auditorium.