31 August 2009


After much procrastination, good intention and wasted thoughts, I have decided to start posting again.

It's not because I think I'm particularly eloquent or even that anybody will even read these posts, but I compose essays and thoughts in my head and I think it's a shame to waste those sacred thoughts that come to us when we're mowing the lawn, doing the dishes or taking a shower. Those are often the best thoughts most worth keeping.

I deleted my other blog so now this one will not be strictly journalism material. Part of this reason is because I've changed a lot since my last post. For one thing, I'm not going to be a journalist anymore (God willing...). I believe my calling is something different, though what that is, I have yet to discover. All that to say that the posts on this blog will not be "reporting" so much as thoughts on current issues, theology, writing and life in general.

I won't bore you with the "today at school..." stuff because 1) I don't like reading other people's journals 2) I wouldn't post my journal online and 3) it's annoying to all parties involved.
